

Source:未知Author:admin Addtime:2019-04-04 18:11:14 Click:
In order to refine the implementation of “Made in China 2025”, focusing on breakthroughs in the development of manufacturing industry bottlenecks and short board, and seize the commanding heights of future competition, the National Leading Group for the Upgrading of the Country’s Manufacturing Sector launched the compiling of “1+X” planning system. “1” refers to “Made in China 2025”, while “X” refers to the implementation guidelines, action guidelines, and development planning guidelines, including 5 major project execution guidelines of national manufacturing innovation center construction, industrial basis strengthening, intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing, and high-end equipment innovation, 2 special action guidelines of service-oriented manufacturing development and equipment manufacturing quality brand, and 4 development planning guidelines of new materials, information industry, pharmaceutical industry, and manufacturing talents. Focusing on key points and difficulity breakthroughs, the objective of compiling “1+X” planning system is to strengthen the government guidance, gather the industry consensus, collect social resources, so as to break the bottleneck and letdown in the development of manufacturing and seize the commanding heights of the future competition. The 11 Xs are discussed and compiled by relevant units of the National Leading Group for the Upgrading of the Country’s Manufacturing Sector, and have been released and implemented now.
During the compiling of X, extensive consultation was made among relevant experts, enterprises, and various fields. The Strategic Advisory Committee for the Upgrading of the Country’s Manufacturing Sector established a professional team, and actively participated in the research, discussion, drafting, and assessment of related guidelines; Among them, 3 guidelines, including new materials, information industry, and manufacturing talent, have also been examined and approved by the State Council. The relationships among the 11 Xs are that each focuses differently and each supports each other, with both forward-looking layout and basic breakthroughs. It not only has the co-ordination guidance for key general issues, but also has the systematic planning for key industry fields. Specifically:
The formulation of five projects implementation guidelines is the concrete implementation of “Made in China 2015” five major projects, which defines the objective, task, and measures of project implementation. With cutting-edge technology and key generic technology breakthroughs in key fields as the development trend, the construction project of manufacture innovation center establishes the innovative chain from technology development, transferring and diffusion, to initial commercial application; the industry basis strengthen project mainly solves the engineering and industrialization bottleneck issues of core basic spare parts, key basic materials, and advanced basic technology, so as to construct the basic service for industry technology. These two projects mainly solve the issue of basic capability. By promoting the green upgrading of various industries and links in manufacture industry, the green manufacture project speeds up the construction of green manufacture system. Aimed at the popularization of digital manufacturing and demonstration of intelligent manufacturing, the intelligent manufacturing project promotes the intelligent transformation of manufacture industry and boosts the industry towards midrange and high-end levels. Focusing on the industrialization application of a batch of major equipment, high-end equipment innovation project provides advanced production tools for the upgrade of various industries. In the two special action guidelines, the action promoting the quality brand of equipment manufacturing focuses on a firm foundation of quality and creates new competitive advantages of manufacture industry with quality safety as the basis, high-quality product as the core, and international brand as the mark. The development of service-oriented manufacture action aims to speed up the innovation of service mode, technology, and management of manufacturing enterprises, and cultivate the integrated development of new ecology. Among the four development planning guidelines, the new material industry development guideline focuses on meeting the needs of the transformation and upgrade of traditional industries, the development of strategic emerging industries, and the urgent necessities of major technical equipment, while constructing an enterprise-centered, universities and research institutions supported, military-civilian deep integrated, and industry-university-research institution-application interactive new material industry system, and creating a batch of new materials, key technology, and special equipment. Centered by accelerating the establishment of information industry ecological system with global competitive advantage and controllable security, the information industry development guideline strengthens the science and technology innovation capability, industry basis capability, and security capability, breaks key bottleneck, optimizes industrial structure, enhances product quality, improves infrastructures, deepens general service, boosts application integration, and expands network economic space. The pharmaceutical industry development planning guideline aims to accelerate technology innovation, deepen opening up and cooperation, ensure quality security, increase effective supply, increase varieties, enhance quality, and create brands, so as to achieve the midrange and high-speed development and level of pharmaceutical industry. From the full-range perspective of talent cultivation and team building in the manufacture industry, the manufacture industry talent development planning guideline improves the mechanism of talent cultivation system, strengthens the construction of talent team basis, speeds up the cultivation of urgent-needed professionals, improves the mechanisms of talent utilization, mobility, evaluation, and stimulation, so as to provide solid talent support for the realization of powerful manufacturing country strategic objective.
Not mandatory but guidance, the 11 Xs aim to play the decisive role of market in the allocation of resources, and the extensive participation and joint efforts of government at all levels, enterprises, research institutes, universities, financial institutions and other relevant aspects are also necessary in the specific practice. For the next step, the National Leading Group for the Upgrading of the Country’s Manufacturing Sector will strengthen the implementation of “Made in China 2025” ‘1+X’ system, break the key tasks and responsibilities into stages, focus on a batch of key projects around the key tasks, key engineering projects, and key fields with objective orientation, clearly define the time point, implement the supporting policies, and form a joint working force of coordination and key promotion together with “Made in China 2025”.
Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China Website
(Source: China International Machine Tool Exhibition)